Shorten the time between dream and reality.
Choose smarter timber
The trees in the northern forests grow slowly and develop a truly unique character. This allows us to produce wood products of the absolute highest quality for industries, professional builders, and DIYers worldwide.
We offer a wide range of products. Smart lumber products that not only simplify your work and help you save time, but also improve the economics of building projects. All to make it as easy as possible to build and live with wood.
Our products
Deck and outdoor space
Northern forests supply decking suited for the harsh Nordic climate.
Primed cladding allows work in any season, and you can choose any color.
Industrial wood
The future is built out of wood
"I want to build more in wood!"
Gert Wingårdh, is motivated by designing buildings that touch people’s lives, something that he has consistently succeeded in over the past 40 years.
Impregnated by nature itself
The water-repellent, rot-resistant properties of heartwood make it ideal for manufacturing wood products for outdoor use. But what is heartwood and how is it formed?
Innovative timber project drive construction industry forward
Fifty kilometres outside Stockholm, Logicenters is working on erecting the world’s first carbon-free logistics hall.