
When you visit our website or any website linked from it, we may store certain information on your computer/device in the form of "cookies" or other similar technologies, such as Flash cookies, HTML5 local storage, and digital fingerprints (also known as fingerprinting). All such technologies are referred to as "cookies" below.

1.1 - Why We Use Cookies

When you visit our website or any linked sites, we may store information on your device using “cookies” or similar technologies, such as Flash cookies, HTML5 local storage, and digital fingerprints (fingerprinting), provided you consent. These technologies, collectively called “cookies,” help us gather statistics and tailor the website to your needs, interests, and preferences. They also assist in language selection and customizing website functions. Cookies identify your device without containing personal information.

1.2 - Your Consent

Upon first visiting the site, you’ll make choices about cookie categories you consent to. Consent is saved for 12 months, and you’ll be prompted to confirm or change your settings if more than 6 months pass between visits. You can adjust your preferences anytime on this page.

Privacy Settings

Manage your privacy and consent settings for We process your data to understand website usage better, always seeking your consent first.

1.3 - Cookies

Session Cookies

Our session cookies are temporarily stored on your device and are deleted when you close your browser.

Persistent Cookies

These facilitate user experience and customization and remain until manually cleared or expired.

Cookies for Visitor Statistics

We use cookies to gather anonymous traffic data via Piwik Pro Analytics Suite to improve the website and offerings.

Other Cookies

Used for security, performance, and social features, and to manage cookie consent.

Third-Party Cookies and Advertising

Third-party cookies collect information for ads and web stats, and enable retargeting, which remains anonymized.

List of Cookies

A detailed list is available on

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Essential for website functionality, enabling navigation and access to secure areas.

Statistical Cookies

Statistical cookies help us understand how visitors interact with the website by collecting and reporting data.

Marketing Cookies

Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The purpose is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user, making them more valuable for publishers and third-party advertisers.

If You Do Not Want to Be Tracked by Cookies

If you do not want us to collect, store, and analyze statistical information about your visit to the website, or receive personalized information, you can adjust your preferences or withdraw your consent at any time on this page.

You can also install an opt-out cookie in your browser, which indicates your objection to data use. If you delete this cookie or use a different device, you will need to reapply the opt-out. Additionally, enable "Do-Not-Track" in your browser settings to limit third-party cookies.


Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


Microsoft Edge

If You Want to Remove Cookies

You can remove cookies stored on your computer. The method depends on the type of browser you use.

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox


Microsoft Edge

Share Functions

Our website includes buttons for sharing content via social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. These external sites may place cookies on your device when you are logged into their services. For more information on their use of cookies and how to manage them, please check their respective cookie policies.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about our use of cookies, feel free to contact us. Contact information and further details on how SCA handles personal data can be found here: Privacy Protection - GDPR.